OK, so maybe this won't effect or offset the alleged global warming conditions we are undergoing, but it will make a sit down at EPIC a little less like being up against a wall.
As part of our "Add greenery when adding pavement.", contribution to the community and as an offering for guests that enjoy a relaxing stay at the EPIC corner, we have begun enhancing the grounds with foliage, greenery and evergreen elements.
Yes, that is organic potting soil all over the new sidewalk. Pray for rain!
As we pot incoming vegetation friends, we will also be adding lighting, additional dog friendly watering zones and a new bicycle rack. Plans are also underway to add additional seating and side tables on the patio. Stop on by and kick up your feet. Before you know it, we'll be wearing mittens, hanging red bulbs on the evergreens and figuring out how many chimneas we can fit in between it all.
Evergreens and tropicals!
We sincerely hope that you will always enjoy your stay here at EPIC and invite you to celebrate any or every day with us, as they are all special in some way as are each and every one of you!